Hong Kong Shark Foundation (HKSF) is a registered charity dedicated exclusively to shark conservation. We aim to raise awareness about shark conservation, particularly the unsustainable practice of shark finning, and to reduce consumption of shark products in Hong Kong.
Every year, over 100 million sharks are caught worldwide for shark fins and other products, with over 50% of the world’s shark fin being traded through Hong Kong alone. As apex predators, sharks are a crucial part of the marine food chain. The demand for shark products has contributed to the rapid decline of many species, with several already nearing extinction. Removing sharks from our oceans will threaten the delicate balance of ecosystems that are valuable sources of food and key elements in regulating our climate. Oceans absorb carbon, generate oxygen and are essential to our survival on the planet.
HKSF believes this a rare opportunity for people everywhere, especially in Hong Kong, to make a significant impact on a global scale. Please act now by helping raising awareness about shark conservation and by educating people to reduce the consumption of shark products globally to save the world’s sharks.